Dear VI Residents:
We have been blessed with some superb spring weather and I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the great outdoors in VI. Some updates with respect to happening in VI are set forth below. DEED RESTRICTION REVISION UPDATE: A couple of months ago, all homeowners received packets by mail outlining proposed changes to the Deed Restrictions (“DRs”) along with a postage-paid post card ballot. The proposed changes are based on input from VI residents. We have received 212 completed ballots, under the threshold of 348 ‘yes” votes required to pass. Below are the number of “yes” votes for each proposed revision through the first 40 days of voting: DR-8: Clarifies that tile is not required on flat roofs, and defines the types of tiles that can be used on sloped roofs (204); DR-9: Makes the permitted height of structures consistent with the city’s building code, and permits flat roofs at the rear of dwellings (200); DR-30: Clarifies prohibiting advertising signage on the property except “For Sale” signs and contractor signs related to construction (193); DR-34: Defines the word “overnight” used in the existing DR (173); DR-50: Reduces the number of votes in favor of changing a DR or issuing a new DR from the present 348 to 315 (179); and, DR-51: Makes the number of “For” votes required for DR changes consistent with the requirement of DR-50 (175). The Board recommends a “yes” vote for all six of these proposed DR revisions.
The community on the whole has requested that the DRs be brought up to a more current status. We need your help in trying to accomplish this objective. If you have any questions pertaining to these proposed DR revisions or need another copy of the ballot please feel free to call me at 727-560-3655 or contact any other member of the DRRC. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! As I have written many times in the past, VI continues to be highly desirable community that it is largely due to the efforts of a small number of volunteers. Most of these volunteers have been serving in their roles for years and we need some new people to get involved so we can maintain the high quality standards that we all enjoy. Please consider volunteering for one of the committees that operate within VI and are listed on our website at Particularly, if you are a recent resident of VI this is an excellent way to meet some of your new neighbors. DEED RESTRICTION COMMITTEE UPDATE: In 2022 the Board terminated the engagement of the property management company to assist with identification and notification of DR violations. Subsequent to that date, those roles have reverted fully back to the Deed Restriction Committee (“DRC”). A review of properties within VI was completed by members of the DRC in February/March. As a result of this review, a total of 47 “initial” DR violation letters were sent along with 11 letters to property owners who had not corrected the DR violation since the last property review in September. The violations were for the following DRs (some property owners were notified of multiple violations): DR-19: 19 (violations of house maintenance) DR-20: 24 (violations of the yard maintenance-flora) DR-25: 2 (trash can violations) DR-26: 15 (violations of equipment storage on the property) DR-34: 1 (violation of trailer storage on driveway) Most property owners who receive a letter from the DRC understand that there was a DR violation and resolve the situation quickly. The Board has reacted to comments regarding the manner of communicating DR violations and we are trying hard to strike a balance between being “neighborly” and “factual” in the DR violation letters. I would be happy to accept any suggestions on the approach that we have taken but, be advised, that any potential change must be approved by our attorney. UPCOMING EVENTS:
Finally, the 2023 Homeowner Directory has been printed and will be distributed to property owners who have paid their 2023 VIHA dues. If you haven’t paid yet, it is not too late! Your dues are vitally needed to support the community initiatives that maintain the high standards expected by property owners for VI. Go to and the instructions will be right at the top of the page. Thank you. Rich Scanlon, VIHA President [email protected]
December 2024
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