May 18, 2022
Dear VI Residents: We have had the occasion to enjoy a beautiful spring in VI, one of the best times of the year in our neighborhood. Nevertheless, we all know what is coming with the summer, higher temperatures, humidity, and the increasing probability of late afternoon thunderstorms, tropical storms and hurricanes. It does not have to be a hurricane to cause significant damage in our waterfront community. Take the time now to start your preparation for the inevitable summer storms and potential for a hurricane. I encourage new residents, in particular, to review the storm preparation guidelines and sign up for alerts at A bizarre series of incidents occurred on Mass. Ave South early in the week of May 9 where a resident's Ring camera recorded a shirtless/shoeless man ringing their doorbell asking to be “let in because someone was trying to kill” him. SPPD surmised that the man was, potentially, a “meth addict.” I have no further reports at this time but will advise the community of what we hear. We can never be too vigilant – please remove all valuables from your cars and lock the doors and secure your homes. If you see something call the SPPD immediately. The footage from the Ring camera has been uploaded to The VIHA Board Members, as well as members of the Deed Restriction Revision Committee (“DRRC”), have been working hard over the course of the past months on the first of several proposed revisions to the Deed Restrictions (“DR”). As previously communicated, certain DRs are out of date and one of the Board’s primary objectives is to systematically update the DRs. To be clear, the intent is not to create DRs that are more restrictive, but to clear up any ambiguities and make certain DRs consistent with City Code. Input from the community was sought prior to this first round of DR revisions and input will be solicited prior to any upcoming rounds. As of May 11, progress on the three DRs that are included in the first ballot that you received a couple of months ago include:
In the event that we do not receive the required 66.67% approval of the VI property owners the changes that have been requested by the community will not be implemented and the DRs as currently worded will stand. As an example, if DR 53 is not passed then chain link fences will remain the only fencing option that can be installed in VI rather than the more attractive fencing materials that would be allowed under the revised DR (and that were allowed after the initial passage of DR 53 in 2015 until the Revitalization in 2021). The full list of current DRs can be accessed on the VIHA website at A couple of dates for you to put into your calendar. Emails will be sent prior to each event with more details:
Also, there is a Neighborhood Walk organized on the fourth Saturday of each month by Janice Drinkwine in partnership with Healthy St, Pete. Please contact her at [email protected] for more information. The VIHA Board will meet on May 25 and then will take our traditional summer recess until September. Please let me know if you would like to attend the May Board meeting or if there are any items you want the Board to be aware of. One other item of note. Don Herring, a member of the SPPD for 32 years and our Community Policing Officer in VI for the past 6 years, is retiring at the end of May. Don has been a great resource to VI during this period. We would like to present Don with a gift certificate recognizing his service to VI. If you would like to contribute please email me at [email protected]. Don will be replaced by Officer James Fuchs who can be reached at [email protected]. Finally, many thanks to the 346 (66%) property owners who have paid their 2022 VIHA dues so far. Instructions for paying your dues can be found at The 2022 dues are $200.00 and are the primary source of funding for all the VIHA activities including DR enforcement, beautification, utilities, insurance and other operating expenses. Your support is very much appreciated and necessary to keep up the appearance of our community. All 2022 current VIHA members should have received a copy of the 2022 Membership Directory. If you are a dues payer and did not receive your copy, please email [email protected]. Any additional homeowners who pay their 2022 dues will also receive a copy of the Directory. Thank you to all the residents who advertised their business in the Directory. Thank you. Rich Scanlon VIHA President [email protected]
December 2024
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