![]() Yesterday, we reported the failing seawall on Mass Ave. to the city of St Pete engineers and Department of Stormwater. The head of Stormwater, John Norris, told us in the afternoon that they would have to prioritize all the damage that had occurred due to TS Colin. Today, that seawall has all but caved in and everyone from the city has been out here. Phil Keyes, city engineer and John called on All American/Speeler to come out as well. There is a city sewer contract in place that can be used to "sheet" the seawall by All American. We have met with the gentlemen from All American. Their suggestion will be to use a crane from the street side to shore up the front of the seawall. This will buy time until Reuben Clarson can review and a new seawall put up. This entire area is a hazard as there is a water main that runs through there as well as other utilities. There is a possibility that the street and entire sidewalk could cave in if the water line ruptures. We spoke with Phil again and he has requested that the Stormwater Dept come back out here and put the barricades on Grand Canal and the south side of Mass. blocking the use of that side of the street. Phil said he would keep us abreast of the schedule. ![]() Also, pictures of the damage along Hawaii Ave and have been sent as well. The repair work that was completed recently along the reclaimed water box and bricks at this site has also reopened. There is also a gap where the two seawalls meet as well as a reopening of a cave in near the seawall. Lisa Schwartz Beautification Chair
6/8/2016 09:56:30 pm
Thanks for the update.
Laura Reitan
6/9/2016 10:14:18 am
Thank you Lisa for your continued hard
6/8/2016 10:13:56 pm
Great job Lisa. Thank you
Joe Ahern
6/9/2016 07:27:19 am
Very much impressed by your efforts and accomplishments--great work.
Liz and Larry Heinkel
6/9/2016 08:47:48 am
Many thanks for your dedication to our community. This is really serious business and not to be taken lightly. Thanks for staying on top of the city and keeping us "top of mind". Sincerely, Liz H. Kansas Avenue
Melanie Jackson
6/9/2016 09:29:39 am
Thank you Lisa!
Rrick Sandon
6/9/2016 09:46:09 am
Great job Lisa. Thank you for keeping us informed
Laura Guinan
6/11/2016 08:18:07 am
Thank you for all the hard work and dedication Lisa and all the voluterrs helping to keep VI beautiful and safe. Comments are closed.
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